#EatKit May 2012 – Food Allergy Awareness

This month’s lively chat to coincide with Food Allergy Awareness Week contained excellent tips and resources.  Special Guests included Maria Said from Anaphylaxis Australia and specialist dietitians including  Anne Swain.  The five questions covered on the night are outlined below, along with selected tweets so you can follow the conversation and explore the links:

Q1:  What are your tips / resources for avoiding food allergens in food products? How to read labels?

Q2: Let’s share our favourite free from products and recipes. What’s yours?

Q3: When eating out what can people with food allergens do to minimise risk?

Q4: What do you feel about more nut free zones? Necessary? Or limiting to the majority who can eat nuts?

Q5: Where should people go for help? Diagnosis? Info?


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