Then and now 2 – more retro nutrition trends you can leave behind

How do you spot progress?  Well, you look back at the past and compare with the present of course.  And with food and nutrition it’s easy to assume that everything in the good ol’ days was better, when we were fitter and leaner and lived like hunter gatherers.  But what about winding the clock back just a few decades?  Was it really better?  As a child of the 1970′s and a dietitian today, there are a few things I’m happy to leave behind.  Which lead me to writing a post about retro trends using old ads that proved popular.   So I just had to share these hum dingers that my girlfriend Bec sent my way…..she assures me they are genuine.  If not, they are genuinely funny.

Then: A woman’s place was in the kitchen.


Now: Thanks to Masterchef and the new breed of fit male celebrity chefs (hi Curtis) more men than ever before are swapping recipes, plating up (even away from the BBQ) and signing up for cooking classes for blokes.

Then: You got a spanking (really? no I don’t think so) from your husband if you didn’t source the best coffee in a can.

Now: Forget about the hubby.  You have an intimate relationship with your barista.  Coffee is an art.  A science. And a dedicated quest for that perfect shot.

Just ask the talented team at St Ali.

Then: Weight loss approaches included popping diet drugs pills, cleansing your internal system…not by a dodgy detox diet, but even dodgier…wait for it…live tapeworms. Sanitised of course.

Now: We certainly don’t have all the secrets to successful longterm weight loss…but we are getting there…and clearly emphasising health along the way.

Love to hear if you agree below?  Or just drop us a comment with your reaction…once you’ve closed that gaping mouth!

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